Swallowing pills can be difficult and unpleasant, is call dysphasia, it can be caused by problems with nerves or muscles. Some people have an aversion to swallowing pills and others have physical issues that affect their ability to swallow, when you swallow, your airway closes, and you stop breathing for a moment, causes one in three people to choke or vomiting, that may keep people from sticking to their medication routines, which can make them sicker.
All these problems are a thing of the past with the Severo Pill Grinder.
Put the pill (medication) in the Severo Cup, then place them into the grinder, close the door and within seconds the medication is available in a powder-form.
Medication can also be mixed with a Severo-Gel using the same Severo-Cup.
Did you know that grinding a Tylenol uses a force of over 21 Kg (46.2 lbs.)
Electrical grinding is time saving and prevents complaints of physical pain, this means more time for the patients, which is an important profit in a time of increasing patient numbers and tighter economy.
Grinding in a closed compartment reduces the risk of inhaling medication powder. Nowadays over 500 Severo machines are used in health care facilities all over Europe.
Start working with the Severo, or rather the Severo starts working for you!
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